How Long Does It Take to Get a Driving License in Abu Dhabi?

Being the capital, Abu Dhabi ensures that there is proper compliance and order in all the activities that are being conducted or happening.

Traffic management and road safety is indeed major component in the city planning and regulation schemes that are keenly followed here.

Thus, there are certain fixed criteria that one needs to follow to be able to drive in the UAE and more specifically in Abu Dhabi.

Many people who have recently shifted to Abu Dhabi or are locals but have no guidance on the topic are not familiar with the process of getting a driving license here or how long it can take.

Thus, in this article, we would explore the procedure of getting a driving license in Abu Dhabi and depending on various factors how long it can take you to get one.

How to Get a Driving License in Abu Dhabi?

Getting a driving license in Abu Dhabi is neither too difficult nor too easy. It is an appropriate procedure that allows eligible and qualified drivers to avail of a license.

You must first be aware of the minimum legal age that is required to drive on road in Abu Dhabi. In case you want to drive a car, you have to wait until the age of 18 years.

However, this age limit is 17 if you are looking to drive motorcycles or bikes. Further, this age increases to 20-21 in case of large and heavy vehicles or public transport.

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Thereupon, you are required to select a category of application, whether you belong to UAE and are applying there for the first time or are a foreigner, or are an ex-pat who already has a license in your home country.

You can check the list of countries that Abu Dhabi allows and if you already have a valid driving license from these countries, the process ahead is simpler.

If you fall into this category, you just need to get your driving license transferred to the local register, which can be done at the office of the licensing authority.

However, if you are a first-time applicant for the driving license, you must engage in a thorough training program and pass the theory as well as practical driving test after which you would be eligible for the driving license.

You can register and visit the Emirates Driving Company to get your training started or any other certified driving school that is reliable.

Once you are done with the training part, you have to register for the theory test upon which you would be asked to perform a driving test under supervision.

With the successful completion of all these steps, you simply need to visit the authorities with your documents and get registered.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Driving License in Abu Dhabi?

To know the exact duration by which you can expect a driving license is difficult. Since it varies and depends on the number of hours you spend in training and whether you clear the theory and practical tests as well.

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Even after the successful completion of these components, you can expect to take around 10-20 days after the registration with your documents to get your license delivered.

However, an average person can expect to finish the driving and training lessons within a span of 30-40 hours, which is around 5-6 weeks.

Post this duration, people often take time to register and appear for the tests, which can easily take up to 1-2 weeks more.

Lastly, after completion of the test when you are asked to get your documents registered and verified, this process can take up to 1-2 days after completion, and a license can be issued to you within 10-20 days.

Thus, you can expect to take around 9-10 weeks in total to get your driving license from scratch. However, if you have prior driving experience, it may take you lesser time.

Is it Easy to Get a Driving License in Abu Dhabi?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question as well. Driving is a skill-based activity, so you might be good or average at it depending on various factors.

If you have been practicing for a while, you can expect the process to be easier. If you are a novice, it would appear difficult to you.

Additionally, based on the reports and reviews by most of the people who take the driving lessons and further the tests, it is believed that the theory part is relatively easier to pass.

However, the part where most people get stuck is the practical driving test. Without enough practice and knowledge, you might not be able to pass this test.

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However, it is good that the test is slightly difficult as it would ensure that the people who pass it are worthy and safe drivers.

How Much Does it Cost for Abu Dhabi Driving License?

In case you are merely transferring your foreign license into a local license in Abu Dhabi, you can expect to pay as low as 250-300 AED. This condition would apply only if you belong to the list of countries prescribed.

However, if you are a new driver or have applied for the first time, your training alone can cost you around 1000-2000 AED, and with the additional cost of applications and tests, it would be slightly more.

In total, being a new application, you can expect to pay around 2000-2500 AED for your driving license, after which you would be eligible for driving on road.


Therefore, you cannot simply get a driving license in Abu Dhabi. You require patience and consistency to obtain and meet the required standards as prescribed in the protocols and regulations.

You must remember that not everyone is the same and a few may need to take the test repeatedly to pass and obtain their license while many might be able to do it on their first attempt.

Whatever it is, you must be patient and focus on the key lessons and basics that you are being taught in driving school.


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